Domains Market Report: Sales at SEDO from April 15 to April 21, 2019

Domains Market Report: Sales at SEDO from April 15 to April 21, 2019

Have you heard about before? The word itself derives from the ancient Greek denoting a factor of 1024 in the metric system. But, what about the domain? Well, it is a wonderful premium, 23 years old domain. In this briefing it is the absolute eye-catcher, hitting 100,000$.

Further on you will find detailed information on Sedo’s Weekly Report starting on April 15 and up to April 21, 2019. As usual, we will only treat public domain sales above 2,000$ in each of the categories (.COM, ccTLD and Other domains).


Domain Sales in the .COM section

In all, Sedo’s chart contains 65 domain sales, 42 of which go to the .COMs. It is not as good as the 54 and 50 .COM sales reported during the first two weeks of April.


Obviously, the .COM section is led by the top sale of the week, priced 100,000$. Afterwards, values drop considerably. Only 20,000$ go to the secondly ranked domain, follows with a value of 19,000$. The last two 5-figure domain transactions belong to at 12,000$ and at 10,000$., from the ‘hard to sell’ domain names, reached a very good price. It was sold for 9,911$. Other, nice show-ups, in the .COM area, are the two-word domains. So, was acquired for 9,500$, sold out at 6,500$ and could get only 4,988$. Pronounceable domain names did not miss out. costed out 8,000GBP and went for 6,500$.


Domain Sales in the ccTLD section

18 is the number of domain sales featuring in the ccTLD area. Yes, sales volume has slightly diminished in comparison to the second week of April, but is better than the first one (respectively, 20 and 15 ccTLD domain sales). As for the leader, there is no change. .DE domains are ahead with 3 listings. .CO.UK, .ES, .IO and .IT domains are represented by 2 listings per each. Meanwhile, .AG, .AI, .CA, .CH, .CO, .EU and .US domains have single entries.


15,000EUR amount tops the ccTLD section. It is the price of premium domain No other 5-figure transactions in this group. domain came closely, valued 9,000EUR, but the exchange rate was not favorable to qualify it as a 5-figure domain sale.


In the ccTLD section we find domains, such as:,,,,,, and Their corresponding values do not exceed 4,999$. Still, apparently this 3-letter and word domains seem to make the trend.


Domain Sales in the Other section

The total domain sales are just 5. The Other section continues with low volume of transactions. But, the interesting aspect of this report is the clear dominance of new gTLDs both in quality and quantity.

Old TLDs are represented by worth 4,000$ and going for 2,388EUR. On the other hand new gTLDs are more valorized. The hole section is led by at 14,500EUR. The two other new gTLD domain sales are linked to and sold out at 5,000EUR each.

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