Domains Market Report: Sales at SEDO from 1 to April 14 2019
The report contains only public domain sales above 2,000$. Remember that transactions are categorized as .COMs, ccTLDs or Other domains.
Interested to know what has been going on at Sedo marketplace during the first two weeks of April? Keep on reading about the most important domain transactions from the 1st up to the 14th of April 2019.
In the merged list we find 154 ranked sales (respectively 69 and 85 on each week). The list is topped by the amazing, 2-word, premium domain fusionbank.com sold out at the price of 65,265$. Next important value on the chart is the transaction of another premium domain, ia.de, selling at 62,056$.
Domain Sales in the .COM section
Overall, there are 103 domain sales in the .COM list. Top position goes for the brand domain fusionbank.com. Following are the comscope.com sold at 42,500EUR; peche.com for 30,000EUR and kpo.com at the amount of 33,000$. The fifth in ranking is the 4-letter domain, hlio.com selling at 21,850$.
Except for kpo.com, all other top sales in this category occurred during the first week. Other 5-figure transactions, from the 1st up to the 7th of April, are domain sales of exup.com, jiker.com, gojoy.com, lotterybank.com and skribe.com. Prices paid range from 17,000$ for exup to 10,000$ for scribe. 49 listed sales belonging to this period, 6 of which are 4-letter domains.
Meanwhile, in the second week of April, even though sales volume seems better with 54 domain sales, values are less important. Some of the domain sales featuring in this timeframe are: capiche.com selling at 12,000$, bwco.com at 11,000$ and gruporg.com going for 10,000GBP.
Domain Sales in the ccTLD section
Section ccTLD contains 37 domain sales. The second week of April shows improvement in sales volume (with 22 domains ranked), but also in transactions values.
.DE domains lead with 8 listings in all, 5 during the first week and 3 in the second. Second in line are .CH domains with 4 listings, three of which feature from the 7th to the 14th of April. Further on are found .CO.UK, .ES, NL, .TV, .IO, .BE and .US with 2 listings. While, single entries go to .COM.MX, .KR .AT, .EU, .CC, .CO, .FR, .ID, .IT, .RO, and .ST.
The massive transaction of the 2-letter domain, ia.de, is followed by lootjes.nl reaching 29,500EUR (also, sold after the 7th of April) and hampton.co.uk hitting 25,000GBP (sold before the 7th). These are the only 5-figure sales appearing in the ccTLD category.
Other interesting facts (from the 7th up to the 14th of April), are the transactions of fashion domain lyst.at and lyst.ch at the price of 5,500EUR per each; but, also, the trend of 3-letter domains sales (kik.ro, who.st, qad.nl , wer.io and so on).
Domain Sales in the Other section
In two weeks 14 domain sales were registered in the area of Other domains’ extensions. Well, it keeps being a quite section, but the trend is positive. We find 9 domain sales during the second week, which is the best volume reached in a long time.
Ranking starts with t.win grabbing the biggest amount a .win domain ever achieved, 22,500$. It is followed immediately by office.org for 22,000$. These domain sales happened between the 1st and the 7th of April. Ongoing, are positioned historica.org and dubai.app (both occurring after the 7th of this month), respectively at the price of 14,875EUR and 10,000$.
New gTLD led in sales volume in both weeks. 3 new gTLD sales over 5 sales in all during the first week and 6 new gTLD domain sales over 9 on the second week. In terms of value, despite the slight difference, .ORG led the first week. New gTLD dominated during the second week with an advantage of approx. 4,000$.